featured content: scott brennan & arlon jay staggs

Posted on Thu, Jun 20, 2024

Scott Brennan, a photographer and writer, divides his time between Miami, Florida, and Vermont. His recent work has appeared in Chicago Quarterly ReviewThe Hopkins Review, and River Styx. His first book of poetry, Raft Made of Seagull Feathers (Main Street Rag Press), was reissued this year. Find him at scottbrennan6.weebly.com or on Instagram @scottbrennan 6

Arlon Jay Staggs worked as an award-winning copywriter and brand strategist for two decades before earning his MFA in fiction from the University of California, Riverside. He also holds a law degree from the Mississippi College School of Law. He is currently seeking representation for his debut novel. He and his husband split time between Seagrove Beach, Florida and San Diego, California. Find him at www.arlonjay.com