20205 Poetry Prize Winners

We are delighted to announce the winners of this year’s Marvin Bell Memorial Poetry Prize. Our heartfelt thanks go to our distinguished judge, Maggie Smith, for her insightful selections and dedication to the art of poetry.

Writer — A.J. Bermudez

A. J. Bermudez is an award-winning author and filmmaker based in Los Angeles and New York. She’s “attracted to stories in which extremely intelligent characters are thrown into subservience, stories that track an arc from non-agency to agency. And the most interesting stories to me are both literal and figurative.”

Poet — Bob Hicok

Read Bob Hicok’s poems from Vol. 35.1 here. He has this to say about his work, “My poems only have meaning for me while I’m writing them: I rarely go back to them unless I’m putting a book together, and mostly have a relationship with their birth. Writing poems is my job — job in the best sense: something I like to do, that makes me feel more” connected to life — so the existence of these poems, especially the first two, means I did my job on the days they were written.

What for?

The first time I talk to Paul after his episode, my chair is uneven; it keeps rocking diagonally. We are on the outdoor patio of the Residence Inn in Florence, Alabama, and the front-right chair leg, upon landing, makes this uneasy scraping sound.

King of Infinite Space

The interview process is a gauntlet. Tomás is asked about rare illnesses and their absence from his lineage. He plays a virtual reality game in which he must make waffles while the kitchen tilts at unexpected angles.

Off the Page — NEW DATE

Please join december on July 17 for our inaugural Off the Page event, the first in a series of free online conversations with our Guest Judges. Learn and enjoy with some of your favorite writers and the december team.