

All of this will one day end, she says, be it bigots, beauty, Beyoncé, the need for commas



Enjoy this featured content from Sam Edmonds and Hunter Hodkinson.

december Spotlight: Poet — Natalie Tombasco

december Spotlight: Poet — Natalie Tombasco

Natalie Louise Tombasco is a poet from Staten Island, NY. Currently, she is a PhD candidate at Florida State University and serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Southeast Review. Recent work […]

featured content: donna vorreyer & michael noonan

featured content: donna vorreyer & michael noonan

Featured content: poem from Donna Vorreyer and art from Michael Noonan

featured content: allisa cherry & robin young

featured content: allisa cherry & robin young

A LIFE / MISLAID by Allisa Cherry It began with the smallest things. Earring backs and tubes of lipstick. Estradiol structures. Dropped stitches on salvaged dresses. Growing in size over […]

featured content: graphic poetry by tyler barton

featured content: graphic poetry by tyler barton

Tyler Barton lives in Saranac Lake, NY. His work in this issue is inspired by living with housing insecurity for the past two years, with all the text in his work […]

december spotlight: poet — christine kwon

december spotlight: poet — christine kwon

Christine Kwon is a Korean American poet and fiction writer. Her debut poetry collection, A Ribbon the Most Perfect Blue, won the Cowles Poetry Book Prize (Southeast Missouri State University Press, […]

december spotlight: poet — shannan mann

december spotlight: poet — shannan mann

Shannan Mann writes poetry, essays, and is currently working on a novel. Her novel is, “set across India, Canada, the U.S. and New Zealand. Also, across time. Also, one of the chapters is narrated by a frying pan.” She is a mom to a cricket-loving three year old. And she runs OnlyPoems.net, a beautiful on-line lit mag, with her partner.

ufology [noun, “the study of ufos”] by albert goldbarth — featured poem

ufology [noun, “the study of ufos”] by albert goldbarth — featured poem

haiku society: an interview with Ben Gaa

haiku society: an interview with Ben Gaa

Ben Gaa, a haiku poet, rings a pair of handbells at readings between each of his poems. Besides helping listeners catch their mental breaths, the chiming reinforces the spell that Gaa casts with his words: