current issue // 35.2

Samaa Abdurraqib There is a Hermit Thrush in the Woods Behind My House Nicole Adabunu He Reported That There Was No Afterlife Jodi Balas Frida Kahlo’s Broken Column Martins Deep After the Inaugural Speech of the First American Cyborg President C.W. Emerson Homo Chad Foret Tsugiki & Olive Wood Infant Dagne Forrest Self Portrait & After Frank Kelle Groom The Language of Angels, Lives of Saints, & A Language I Don’t Know Staci Halt Custody & The Sun Already SG Huerta When the Group Counselor Talks About Cortisol & When the Group Counselor Calls Us Superheroes Judy Kaber Delicate Tracings Aekta Khubchandani A cup Full of Moments & Water Everything Tate Lewis-Carroll An Imaginary Gun: Haiku Sheleen McElhinney “Joy” & The Dead Can’t Save You Becka Mara McKay A Partial History of our Silence in the Diaspora [The morning’s predator], A Partial History of our Silence in the Diaspora [The years accordian uselessly], A Partial History of our Silence in the Diaspora [We all have a little pond of problems], & A Partial History of our Silence in the Diaspora [Those of us sentenced to the cold] Katherine Mitchell The Tree Borers Doug Ramspeck Crow Theory & Horses in the Fog Vincent Antonio Murciélagos Rendoni Lex Runciman Great Freedom & Evensong Ending in Five Words by Walker Evans Kelly R. Samuels The Sailing Place, By Myself & Deepen with the Tang of Geranium Annelise Schoups One Last Thought Kelly Terwilliger Bear
Toby Donovan Mindswaps Joshua Levy Fancy Meat Trent Lewin Stars Jill E Marshall A Mother in the Sea Julie Trimingham OK God Tryphena Yeboah Close
Jacob Aiello Behind the Water Heater R. Renee Branca Crossing the Rubicon Carrie Hall Jesus and the Gavacha Maggie Hart This Dogged and Stubborn Thing Danica Li The Origin of Story Laura Price Steele Afterschocks
Jen Everett Unheard Sounds, Come Through Chyrum Lambert Unusable Language
Samantha Edmonds The Eye
cover art
Patty Carroll Anonymous Women: Gone Postal (2024)